You are a trusted resource for families. Whether you provide therapy, see children for check-ups, or provide community resource support, we have created tools to add to your toolkit. We want to help you do what you do best; provide families with information they need and an action plan for what to do next. You’ve checked out our Guides and Resource Directory, and you know we’ve gathered lots of information that is available and accessible for families, now what? (If you’re new to our resources, find them in the menu above!)
We’ve compiled 5 ways you can share Exceptional Lives with families:
Give them a flyer and and circle a Topic or Guide that is most relevant for that family. Sometimes we collect flyers and they stay on our counter or in our mail pile because researching a new site takes time and time is hard to come by. Indicating which Guide would be the best for the family to visit helps the family to use their time best and let them know exactly where to go.
Pull up the website on your office computer, tablet or mobile phone. Show them how easy it is and where they can find Topics to help them navigate a process that may be new to them such as Early Intervention, Special Ed, or the Transition to Adulthood.
Do a search on our Resource Directory in the office to help them find a service they need in their community such as Speech, Occupational, or Physical Therapy. You can print out the results (with contact information and directions) for the families to take home.
Link to our site from your website. Send us a message at and we will send you an icon to post on your website or resource page for easy access for families.
If the family you are working with has an iPhone, help them create a shortcut on their phone for easy access after they leave the office. This is easily done by:
Pull up the website
Choose “send to” icon
Choose “add to home screen”
Assign a shortcut name and that’s it, you have an icon on your home page for easy access!
Directions may vary depending on your phone and browser.
If you’d like to schedule a webinar for your staff or for families, or if you need more information, we’d love to help!
Email us at info@exceptionallives or call at 1-844-354-1212.