Exceptional Lives Team
January 7, 2021

Exceptional Lives’ response to yesterday’s violence in the US capital

Violence negatively impacts the current and future health and well-being of our country and efforts to undermine our democracy hurt us all. We hope that yesterday will be a turning point and we urge all of our leaders to move forward from a place of kindness and compassion. We cannot work for equity and justice…


Exceptional Lives strongly condemns the violence which took place at our nation’s capital yesterday.

Violence negatively impacts the current and future health and well-being of our country and efforts to undermine our democracy hurt us all. We hope that yesterday will be a turning point and we urge all of our leaders to move forward from a place of kindness and compassion. We cannot work for equity and justice if we are acting from a place of fear.

We believe that all movements start from a single act. To start our community on the path of healing, let’s all reach out and do an act of kindness. Say thank you. Text a word of encouragement to a struggling friend.  Hug your child. Thank an elected official who has stood up for something you believe in. Kindness has been proven to create resilience. Children who learn kindness have better health, less depression, and greater longevity as adults. Kindness is powerful. 

Our mission at Exceptional Lives is to equip families who have children with disabilities with the information they need about available resources and benefits so that they can advocate for the supports their child needs to thrive. We encourage awareness, connection, and compassion.

We embrace and welcome ALL to our community. If you need help, we are here for you.


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