Exceptional Lives Team
October 7, 2021

We’re proud to announce that we’ve reached 1 million website views.

  We’re proud to announce that we’ve reached 1 million website views. Thank you to the families, caregivers, and providers who continue to use our resources and tools. We take pride in the work that we do supporting families of children with disabilities. We hope to continue to reach and support families that need our…

ELI Success Stories


We’re proud to announce that we’ve reached 1 million website views. Thank you to the families, caregivers, and providers who continue to use our resources and tools. We take pride in the work that we do supporting families of children with disabilities. We hope to continue to reach and support families that need our resources.

To celebrate, we’re having a giveaway!

Visit our Facebook and Instagram to enter our giveaway to win a Visa gift card. If you enter on both social media platforms, you’ll be entered twice.

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