Julie McIsaac, Ph.D.
June 26, 2019

“Please don’t climb the curtains”

Ahhh the lazy days of summer. Kids playing nicely under a tree while sipping lemonade innocently exploring together or on a mission to the corner store for a popsicle….What?!That sounds LOVELY but also unrecognizable. 

Mental Health, Parenting Support

Ahhh the lazy days of summer. Kids playing nicely under a tree while sipping lemonade innocently exploring together or on a mission to the corner store for a popsicle….What?!That sounds LOVELY but also unrecognizable.  In my house….Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But I’m also constantly needing to check myself to make sure I remain a solid base for my boys to emotionally spiral away from while also providing a safe place to return.  It is not easy.In these summer days of changing schedules, hot temperatures, impromptu visits or events, it’s important for me to keep my cool in order for my kids to keep theirs.  If you’re in the same boat, here are some reminders from a blog I posted last year; Keeping Calm: Mastering the Art of Self-Regulation in 3 Simple Steps.  Good luck and don’t forget to get a popsicle for yourself sometimes!

Three “Simple” Steps to Self-Regulation

As you know, being a parent can be stressful. Add to that stress a child that is struggling with self-regulation in the form of tantrums, meltdowns, or aggressive behaviors, and then try to keep your calm. YIKES!This does not sound simple, and it is not. The following three steps help guide me in my self-regulation journey. I hope you find them useful.

Step 1. What Does Your Child Need to be Their Calm Self?

We all have likes and dislikes. Some babies crave car rides to bring them sleep while others scream endlessly when buckled into the car seat. As we grow and have more experiences, we begin to better identify what helps us find calm. Some of these are universal (we all need to eat and sleep) and some are unique for each of us (some of us love touch or bear hugs and some of us do not).Question to ask yourself: Can you list 5 things that help your child to find calm?

Step 2. What Do You Need to be Your Calm Self? 

I know if I don’t sleep enough, if I don’t exercise, or if I’m distracted emotionally, I am more likely to reach my tipping point sooner. Knowing these things about myself helps me to recognize why I may be feeling or behaving in a certain way. It also helps me to be as regulated as possible by building the things I need into my everyday.When I face stress, as we all do, I seek a walk outside, a minute in my room with the door closed, a sit on my kitchen floor, a text exchange, or conversation with a friend—a hug, time to write, and on and on. These lists will look different for all of us. Read about what how another parent keeps calm here.Question to ask yourself: What’s on your list? What do you need to regulate yourself?

Step 3. How Can I Help My Child Self-Regulate?

Trying to understanding my child’s experience helps me to better understand his behavior. This makes me more likely to express empathy and support instead of frustration and confusion. In other words, this helps me to be more regulated.When I am calm, I can help regulate my son. I can support him by offering what I know he needs to feel calm (see Step 1 above). When my son experiences this feeling of regulation over and over again, he begins to understand what it means to regulate on his own; he begins to understand self-regulation.Questions to ask yourself:

  • Is he physically comfortable? (basic needs such as diet, sleep, exercise, or a need to go to the bathroom)

  • Is he feeling emotions that he can’t express? (Is his lashing out because he’s nervous about a new classroom?)

  • Is he facing a challenge that isn’t obvious? (physical or cognitive)

Simple? Not exactly.Worth it? Absolutely.

*Stuart Shanker and his team have developed useful Self Reg® tools for parents, found here.

  • Julie McIsaac, Ph.D.

    Child Development and Disability Advisor

    Julie specializes in working with children and families with diverse developmental profiles She uses reflective practice, emotion-coaching, play and a relationship-based framework to support skill building in the areas of emotional-regulation and problem-solving. Julie consults with families, schools and community organizations. As a parent, she understands the need to have a cohesive team supporting a child and family.

    Profile Photo of Julie McIsaac
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