Exceptional Lives Community Member
September 21, 2020

The best thing about being Deaf, by Elly

For International Week of the Deaf 2022, Elly, age 9, tells us about the best part of being Deaf.


YouTube video

[A 9-year-old white girl stands in front of an undecorated off-white wall. She has straight light brown hair down past her shoulders and pink glasses. She is wearing a pink shirt under a fuzzy cheetah-print bathrobe tied with a light blue belt].

My name is [shows sign name “e” tapping mid chest] [spells] E-L-L-Y. My, I’m 9 years old.

The best thing about being Deaf is I can… nothing can stop me from sleeping through the night!

If my sister or brother is being loud, I am clueless..I can sleep!

Nothing can bother me from my nap!

#IWDeaf #signlanguages #Deafawareness

Read our latest blog titled, Deaf with a capital D

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