Exceptional Lives Team
April 21, 2021

The Derek Chauvin verdict, and how we all deserve to be seen.

Yesterday’s jury decision finding Derek Chauvin guilty on all counts of the murder of George Floyd sent a clear message to Black adults and children: You matter.


Yesterday’s jury decision finding Derek Chauvin guilty on all counts of the murder of George Floyd sent a clear message to Black adults and children: You matter.

At Exceptional Lives, we believe that addressing both systemic racism and discrimination against those with disabilities is core to our work. Separately and together, these two issues are at play in the stories of the many Black adults – and yes, children too – who have been killed by excessive force in encounters with police officers. Almost half of the people who die at the hands of police have disabilities. And more than half of all Black adults and youth with disabilities have been arrested by the time they turn 28. 

Both individuals and systems must be held accountable until each person is recognized as a human being deserving of dignity and respect.

Yesterday’s decision will not bring George Floyd back, but it was a step towards accountability. It was a decision that saw George Floyd as the human he was, a dad, a son, a partner, a friend, and a man. We all deserve to be seen this way. 

At Exceptional Lives, we embrace and welcome ALL to our community. If you love a child with a disability, you are part of our family, and we see you. 


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