Exceptional Lives Community Member
September 21, 2020

What I want hearing people to know about Deaf people, by Lucy.

For International Week of the Deaf 2022, Lucy, age 12, has one important thing she wants hearing people to know about Deaf people.


YouTube video

[A 12-year-old Black girl is standing in front of a coral-colored wall. She is wearing a blue dress and glasses and has her hair pulled up into a high bun. To her left is a window and a sign that says “Hope” over a rainbow-striped heart].

Hi everyone, my name is [spells] L-U-C-Y [shows sign name]. It’s International Deaf Awareness Week.

I know many people have many questions. We are going to answer them this week.

What do I want hearing people to know about Deaf people?

There are so many different people who consider themselves Deaf. Some can speak, some can hear a little bit, some of them are blind. Deaf people have all different identities, but we still call ourselves Deaf because it’s one of the most important parts of who we are.

#IWDeaf #signlanguages #Deafawareness

Read our latest blog titled, Deaf with a capital D

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