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Perspectives For Parents:
Advice & Support from Parents & Caregivers
When Should I Start Thinking About Guardianship?
August 2, 2019
Is your child almost 18? If you’re wondering about different ways you can help your child with decision-making, or whether or not you need to apply for guardianship, we’ve created a short guide to discuss the options and walk you through the process.
Read moreLetter to Mica’s Class
July 12, 2019
This morning I read this beautiful note from a fellow mom to her son’s classmates. We work so hard to find the right placement, the right supports, the right accommodations (working on IEP goals? Read more here!).
Read moreUnwritten IEP Goals
July 12, 2019
Yesterday was report card day. As I overheard the neighbors talking about it, I felt a rising pit in my stomach. There are some days you just can’t take on any more. Some days you just don’t want to think about disability or challenges.
Read more“Please don’t climb the curtains”
June 26, 2019
Ahhh the lazy days of summer. Kids playing nicely under a tree while sipping lemonade innocently exploring together or on a mission to the corner store for a popsicle….What?!That sounds LOVELY but also unrecognizable.
Read moreHow to Keep it Together: A Guide
June 21, 2019
First disclaimer, I am one person. I’m a parent, and I’m a provider. [Image Description: An image of a black, drawn triangle. At the top of the image are the words “PICK TWO” in all caps. On top of the triangle are the words “your sanity” in red with a smiley face above them. On…
Read moreDoes Your Child Sometimes Wander Away and Get Lost?
June 14, 2019
There are things you can do to keep them safe. Here's what you can do:Use visual supports, like a social story or checklist. These can help teach your child not to wander off and what to do if they are lost.Teach your child their address and phone number if possible.Get special door locks and…
Read moreEmergency Plan for Families with a Child with a Disability in 2019
June 7, 2019
As our friends down south enter hurricane season, here are some tips to help your family prepare. In any emergency, we must make sure all individuals with disabilities have a plan in place to address their various needs. Being forced to leave home without notice, and without the things that make home a familiar…
Read moreLet’s Be #mightytogether
May 30, 2019
The Mighty recently published a blog we wrote for our Exceptional Lives community. As described on their website, “The Mighty is a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities.” Using their online platform, people from all walks of life are able to share their stories and connect…
Read moreAutism Supports: Where Do I Start?
May 15, 2019
There are many different types of therapy that can help children with autism. They can work on different parts of their development. Here are some of the most common examples: Behavioral Intervention - A therapist helps to encourage positive behaviors and discourage unwanted ones. Desired behaviors are broken down into small tasks to build skills. Developmental…
Read moreA Note to Caregivers Making Tough Choices
May 13, 2019
Dear Mom/Dad/Grandparent/Aunt/Uncle doing the thing the other caregivers are not, Hi. I’m a mom. (I’m other things, too, but for the purpose of this letter, I’m a mom.) I’m writing because I see you, and I want you to know you’re strong. I recognize in your quiet presence that maybe you chose a different route…
Read moreWho Has Time for Respite, Anyway?
April 30, 2019
If you’re reading this and your children are no longer babies, you may look back and think, “How did I do that on such little sleep?” When your kids were not yet in school but you were at work all day, how did you manage to get groceries, make dinner ,and keep the kids clean…
Read moreWhat is Medicaid and How Do I Apply for My Family Member?
April 24, 2019
Medicaid is a health insurance plan provided by the government that covers things like doctor's visits, medicines, and hospital stays. All states have their own versions of Medicaid plans.
Read moreSometimes I Hate Social Media
April 18, 2019
Sometimes I sign into social media and am flooded with “shoulds”. I should make time for that upcoming event. I should set up some park dates. I should take time for self-care. I should be practicing exercises with my child. I should research summer camps. I should, I should, I should. Sometimes I sign into…
Read moreFinding Connection and Community as a Parent of a Child with a Disability
April 17, 2019
As parents at Exceptional Lives, when we write our Guides for parents, we imagine ourselves in your shoes. We remember what it was like early on in our school journey or how overwhelming it was to think about the transition process. We remember how tired we were when our children weren’t sleeping, or how stressful…
Read moreHow to encourage Self-Advocacy
April 8, 2019
Last week, my 7 year old and I went to his class to talk about his disability. Here’s what I learned: 1. Humor is a great way to connect with people and keep it light. Even when we are talking about heavy topics, everyone appreciates some comic relief now and then! 2. This time was…
Read moreDoes My Child Qualify for Special Education Services?
April 2, 2019
States have their own processes for figuring out how to access special education. In Massachusetts and Louisiana, an evaluation and eligibility meeting will help decide if your child is eligible. Depending on what kind of support your child needs, the school will work with you to create either an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504…
Read moreNew Tools to Answer your Questions about Transition to Adulthood
March 20, 2019
New tools? Tell us more!You can now find on our website a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the transition to adulthood, as well as a brief overview of the transition process. The FAQs provide information you need to know about a particular topic, all in one place. And the overview covers the…
Read moreIntroducing the Autism Guide: An Interview with the Flutie Foundation
March 20, 2019
As we publish our most recent Guide, "What to Do If Your Child Has Autism", we sat down with our partners at The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation to hear their thoughts on this new tool for families. Massachusetts is a wealth of information and resources. What does Exceptional Lives have to offer? Why do…
Read moreExceptional Lives: A Free Disability Information Platform for Families, Caregivers, and Professionals
March 7, 2019
Whether you’ve seen our posts, met us at a conference, listened to a presentation, or maybe received a link to this post from a trusted friend, welcome! We would like to introduce ourselves. Who we areWe are a team of parents and professionals – and we know how hard it is to find information…
Read more“I’m {still} fine.”
March 6, 2019
Last year, I posted this blog for Exceptional Lives. Today, I appreciated the reminder. My wish for you is that you take this time to pause and reflect. Even if just for a moment, step back and notice what your day looks like, what your child is able to accomplish or enjoy and how you…
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