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Perspectives For Parents:
Advice & Support from Parents & Caregivers
TWG EKS 16: Knowledge at Your Fingertips: Valuable Resources for Parents of Children with Disabilities with Christina Kozik
August 22, 2023
Christina was interviewed and appeared as part of the Emotional Kids Summit. Christina shares her personal experience as a parent of a child with a disability. She discusses how she and her team at Exceptional Lives recognized the need to provide information and support to families in a different way. By leveraging her own love…
Read morePreschool for Children with Developmental Delays
August 17, 2023
Preschool for children with developmental delays is important. It can help with their development, communication skills, and school-readiness.
Read moreRe-Release: Introduce your child with F-Words; it’s not what you think
August 10, 2023
We’re back in school. Is your child with disabilities working with a new teacher? In this week’s podcast learn how to introduce your child to their teacher using helpful F-words!
Read moreWhy parent-teacher relationships are important
July 25, 2023
Parent-teacher meetings are more than just routine gatherings; they form an important connection between parents and educators working to shape a child's academic journey. Learn three reasons why in this short video.
Read moreResources for children with disabilities: how to find them
July 20, 2023
Resources for children with disabilities: what are they, how do I find them? Listen along as I break down the systems of services on this week’s episode.
Read moreThe resources are there. How can we connect more families to them?
July 19, 2023
The stress, emotion, and confusion that accompany a diagnosis for your child can be overwhelming. We are excited to share an article by Ricki Meyer, Exceptional Lives' Former Director of Policy and Legal Operations, that discusses how our free resources can help parents and caregivers navigate the disability systems and range of emotions they experience…
Read moreParenting a child with a disability: life’s little surprises
July 13, 2023
What happens when you learn you’ll be parenting a child with a disability? Here’s how Leah went from grief to joy when her daughter arrived.
Read moreBecoming a parent advocate for Special Education | Meet Shubha and A: Finding a Way or Making One
June 28, 2023
Meet Shubha Balabaer, a parent advocate for special education and a Canadian residing in Brooklyn with their partner, toddler, and cat. Shubha's life is a delicate balance between their role as the Director of Operations for a non-profit organization and the demanding responsibilities of caring and advocating for their autistic child. Every day, Shubha needs…
Read moreFlying with kids with disabilities: 5 tips to make the trip easier
June 22, 2023
Flying with kids with disabilities can be stressful and overwhelming. This week’s podcast episode has 5 tips to make the trip easier for you and your child.
Read moreSelf-care for caregivers: practical tips that aren’t (just) about bubble baths
June 19, 2023
Self-care for caregivers: You’re tired and you know you need it. But how? And why would you want one more thing to add to your to-do list? This week on the podcast, I want to share with you how some things you’re already doing every day can be self-care.
Read moreUnderstanding alternate assessment in education for students with severe cognitive disabilities
June 14, 2023
Learn how alternate assessment in education can test for learning and skills in students with severe cognitive disabilities.
Read moreESY (Extended School Year) for Special Education students: What parents need to know
May 25, 2023
Learn about the Extended School Year for special education students, and how your child could get extra services during the summer.
Read more3 ways to support parents of a child with mental illness
May 10, 2023
There is often confusion and fear and difficulty when talking about mental illness, especially when children are involved. There doesn’t need to be though. This week’s podcast focuses on how you can support parents of children with mental illness. Listen along as we share 3 ways to be a great friend.
Read moreEarly Intervention in Autism | Meet Neda and Mason: You know your child best
May 5, 2023
Neda knew what to look for in her child’s development. Here’s how she decided early intervention in autism was the best choice for her son.
Read morePolymicrogyria Success Stories: Meet Rob and Schuyler | Navigating Developmental Disabilities
May 5, 2023
Schuyler and her father worked together to advocate for her independence. Together, they are a Polymicrogyria success story.
Read moreLife After Autism Diagnosis | Meet Maurice and Maurice Jr.: Autism is not the end of the world
May 3, 2023
Learn about Maurice's life after autism diagnosis with his father, who has dedicated his life to advocating for the autism community.
Read moreAutism and Social Interaction: Meet Johnny and Jonathan | Mastering Independence for Young Adults with Disabilities
May 3, 2023
Transitioning into adulthood can be a daunting experience, especially for those with disabilities related to autism and social interaction. Jonathan’s (who is autistic) parents took advantage of his father’s role at a local community college and enrolled their son as a part-time student to continue their journey to prepare him for life after high school.…
Read moreSupport for parents of a child with mental illness: 3 ways to be a great friend
May 3, 2023
When kids struggle, their parents do too. Support for parents of a child with mental illness matters. Here are 3 ways to be a great friend.
Read moreMeet Tanja and Andy: Preparing your child for the real world
May 2, 2023
Tanja and Andy made sure they were ready for the challenges of independence and autism.
Read more5 tips for families to help students with disabilities prepare for tests
April 19, 2023
Does your child with a disability get stressed about tests? Here are 5 tips to help them prepare.
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