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Perspectives For Parents:
Advice & Support from Parents & Caregivers
Ask the Attorney: What Special Education Placements are Available for My Child?
September 20, 2017
There is a continuum of placement options available for your child. To recap, the spirit of the IDEA law is that the school places your child in the least restrictive environment (LRE), such as a classroom alongside children who do not have disabilities.Take a look at this graphic for an idea of your options,…
Read moreAsk the Attorney: How Do I Know if My Child is Really in the Least Restrictive Environment?
September 20, 2017
The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) provision of law requires that students with disabilities receive their education alongside students without disabilities “to the maximum extent appropriate,” which is somewhat vague. This means that a student’s default placement should be in the general education classroom, often with various supports and services. Students should only be removed…
Read moreBack-to-School Ideas to Balance Your Child’s Nervous System
September 12, 2017
This week, our son Jack returned to school after 6 months of medical leave. In November 2016 he developed an infection that led to PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections). As time went on, we learned that strep was not the only trigger for the flares, and he was diagnosed with both PANDAS and PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric…
Read moreAsk the Attorney: How Can I Tell If My Child is Making Progress if He is Still Reading Below Grade Level?
August 24, 2017
The IEP team will measure your child’s progress based on whether he meets the goals in that year’s IEP. That said, it is important to make sure those goals are measurable. You will often see phrases like, “The student must read 10 words correctly in 2 of 3 trials with 80% accuracy.” It’s not…
Read moreHow to Reduce Back to School Stress
August 16, 2017
Around the United States, families are getting ready for the first weeks of school. Our family is in the middle of helping our oldest son re-enter mainstream school after a semester of medical leave, while also preparing our daughter to begin kindergarten. As soon as August arrived, we felt the stress rise.New teachers, classrooms, expectations, and classmates – and…
Read moreWhy Won’t You Just Listen?! Discipline, Parenting, and Child Development
August 7, 2017
We All Have Good Intentions Do you keep books around that you will someday get to? I have a heap of books encouraging excellent intentions to learn, absorb, and generally ‘be better.’ I collect books that interest me as both a parent and professional. Books that will answer my parenting questions and solve all of…
Read moreThe Importance of a Summer Boredom Balance
August 7, 2017
Three years ago, I was pregnant with our youngest of three. We lived in a small house with many diagnoses under one roof‑including autism, ADHD, a connective tissue disorder, hypotonia, anxiety, Crohn's, Celiac's, and severe food allergies. Many of the diagnoses were new and we had upwards of sixteen therapies and appointments per week…
Read moreAsk the Attorney—”How Can I Better Track My Child’s Progress in School?”
July 26, 2017
I've been reviewing my child's files over the summer and it doesn't seem like he has made much improvement against his goals. How can I better track his progress in the upcoming year?Getting your files in order before the school year begins is a great idea. Under Massachusetts law, the school district must send…
Read moreHow to Overcome Judgment as a Special Needs Parent
July 12, 2017
There is judgment that comes with being a parent. There is judgment that comes with being a parent of child with special needs; a child who continually throws sand at the playground, can’t sit during mealtime, doesn’t answer when you ask a question (over…and over….and over again), or kicks and screams when things don’t go…
Read moreTravel Tips for Special Needs Families
July 12, 2017
This past week, our family traveled from Boston, MA to Atlanta, GA. We made our way south and back by plane, train, bus, and car…and lived to tell the tale! Traveling with a special needs child can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some useful tips to make your travels smooth sailing this…
Read moreWhat is Stress and How Can I Unwind?
June 14, 2017
I held his hand as the anesthesiologist put a small mask over his mouth and nose, and I watched him fall asleep. I squeezed his shoulder and kissed his cheek as his eyes lost focus and gently closed. After four days of GI, my oldest son, Jack, was "under" for his colonoscopy and endoscopy. As I mentioned…
Read moreExploring Nature to Find Our Calm
June 14, 2017
This week, we received a secondary diagnosis for my son. It’s been a very hot week. It’s the end of the school year. He’s going through a growth spurt. Is everyone getting enough sleep? I think there’s too much sugar in our diets. We should probably cut back on screentime. Physical play is always good.…
Read more4 Ways to Confidently Communicate with Your Child’s Doctors
May 31, 2017
When our son Jack developed a mysterious illness in November of last year, our world turned upside down. Our once funny, vibrant, energetic boy could hardly get out of bed. Within a few short weeks, he was no longer able to attend school or participate in activities he had once loved. Over the course…
Read moreMore Than One Expert in the Room: Parents as Experts
May 31, 2017
I learned early in my career as a child development therapist that the parent is the expert about their child. When a child and parent came into my office for visual spatial/cognitive therapy, or when I went to homes to provide DIR/Floortime, I thought about this parent-as-expert concept. I’ve always been drawn to supporting parents…
Read moreAbout the Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI) – and How to Get it for Your Child
May 17, 2017
The US Medicaid program requires that all states must screen and treat Medicaid-eligible children for mental health issues. But that wasn’t always the case in Massachusetts.A BRIEF HISTORYIn 2001, a federal class action suit was filed against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts because families of children receiving Medicaid (called MassHealth) claimed the state was not…
Read moreSliding into Summer Camp Season
May 11, 2017
But, I just poured my coffee. You know that feeling when you pour that first cup of hot coffee in the morning? The mug warming your hands while you breathe in the rich aroma and gently ease into your day. No, you don’t remember that? That’s probably because you’re a parent. You may relate…
Read moreHow To Balance Young Children’s Needs During a Sibling’s Hospitalization
May 2, 2017
As I mentioned in this recent post, giving time to your special needs child's siblings each day is important. But what happens when emergency strikes? How do you balance time with each of your children when a hospitalization or medical emergency comes into play?This spring, our oldest son who has autism and ADHD was diagnosed with a…
Read moreConnecting Resources with MA’s Special Needs Families
April 20, 2017
Four years ago, my oldest son was diagnosed with autism. Soon after, our family moved from Atlanta to Boston. We did not live near any family or friends when we moved to the South Shore. Fortunately, we found a practice near us that specialized in the services Jack needed in those early days. The practice was open, honest,…
Read moreRepresentative Payee: Help a Loved One with Social Security
March 20, 2017
According to the Census Bureau, there are nearly 57 million people living with disabilities in the United States. Thirty percent of American adults help provide care for a sick or disabled family member. Caregivers provide physical and emotional support for the people in their care. It’s a demanding job with its stresses and rewards,…
Read moreCould Your Child with Special Needs Benefit from Play Therapy?
March 15, 2017
Children are mini social scientists. They look at the world around them and try to make sense of it. But young children with special needs face extra challenges in interpreting this world. When they have trouble understanding what is real and what is pretend or imagined, their thoughts and concerns can be overwhelming. While poor sleep…
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