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Perspectives For Parents:
Advice & Support from Parents & Caregivers
Exceptional Lives team members: only a call or email away
December 17, 2015
Your time is limited! Today’s families juggle jobs, children and often, elderly parents. Caring for a child with a disability is especially time-consuming and stressful. We created Exceptional Lives so that exceptional families can find answers 24 hours a day to some of their most difficult challenges. Our first free online Guides focus on the following topics: How…
Read moreWelcome to Exceptional Lives!
December 7, 2015
Welcome to Exceptional Lives. Our goal is to provide helpful services to you and your exceptional family. Raising children is always complicated, and can be even more so when your child has disabilities. We are parents of children with disabilities, and professionals in this field. We understand the stress and frustration often involved in…
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