Exceptional Lives believes that collaboration and strong relationships are crucial to our mission of supporting families and educators of children with disabilities. Guided by our vision of true partnership and systems that meet the needs of each person in those systems, we uphold the following values so all children with disabilities reach their full potential.
Empathy | We do our best work when we can see ourselves in each other’s shoes. We work to listen to and understand each other and the families and systems we work with. |
Equity | We work to address discrimination against disabled people, racism, and other forms of bias because we believe everyone deserves a shot. We are committed to educating ourselves and leading by example. |
Inclusivity and Belonging | We believe that true inclusion includes both access and belonging. We strive to support families and systems in finding and fostering both of these. |
Learning | We are driven by curiosity and committed to continuous learning. We value lived experience and see people with disabilities as our best teachers. We learn from our community of trusted caregivers and providers who share these values. |
At Exceptional Lives, we know that families come in all shapes, sizes, and forms.
Families led by parents with disabilities.
Immigrant families.
Chosen families.
LGBTQ+ families.
Multiracial families.
Families of all faiths.
Foster families.
Families headed by a grandparent.
Single parent families.
If you love a child with a disability, you’re part of our family too. We see you. We are here for you.
In support of LGBTQ children and families
LGBTQ Pride from Exceptional Lives on Vimeo.
Statement of Equal Opportunity & Non-Discrimination
At Exceptional Lives, we strive to practice and champion inclusiveness in all of our work. We honor the diverse strengths, struggles, voices, and backgrounds of all individuals. We listen to our community to understand how we can support one another. We strive to reach all who need us, particularly those who frequently do not get what they need because of systemic racism, discrimination against persons with disabilities, and other beliefs and practices that demonstrate a profound lack of respect for fellow humans.
We believe that each of us can decide what works best for us when we have access to the information, tools, and resources we need. We are deeply committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees, applicants, volunteers, and all the parents, professionals, and other users of our content and services without regard to race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, age, national origin, citizenship, ancestry, disability, genetic information/characteristics, veteran or military status, taking or requesting statutorily protected leave, or any other considerations made unlawful by federal, state or local laws. We believe that everyone deserves respect.
En Exceptional Lives nosotros sabemos que las familias vienen en todas formas y tamaños.
Familias dirigidas por padres con discapacidades
Familias inmigrantes
Familias elegidas
Familias LGTB
Familias multirraciales
Familias de toda fe
Familias adoptivas
Familias dirigidas por Abuelos
Familias monoparentales
Si amas a un niño con discapacidad también eres parte de nuestra familia. Te vemos. Estamos aquí para ti.
Declaración de igualdad de oportunidades e imparcialidad
En Exceptional Lives nos esforzamos por practicar y defender la inclusión en todo nuestro trabajo. Honramos las diversas fortalezas, luchas, voces y antecedentes de todos los individuos.
Escuchamos a nuestra comunidad para entender cómo podemos apoyarnos unos a otros. Nos esforzamos por llegar a todos los que nos necesitan, en particular aquellos que con frecuencia no obtienen lo que necesitan debido al racismo sistémico, discriminacion contra personas con
discapacidad y otras creencias y prácticas que demuestran una profunda falta de respeto por los demás seres humanos.
Nosotros creemos que cada uno de nosotros puede decidir que funciona mejor para nosotros cuando tenemos acceso a la información, las herramientas y los recursos que necesitamos. Estamos profundamente comprometidos a brindar igualdad de oportunidades para todos los padres, profesionales, e otros usuarios de nuestro contenido y servicio sin importar raza, color, etnia, credo, religión, género, orientación sexual, identidad de género, embarazo, edad, origen nacional, ciudadanía, ascendencia, discapacidad, información genética, condición de veterano o militar, tomar o solicitar una licencia protegida por ley, o cualquier otra consideración que las leyes federales, estatales o locales consideren ilegales. Creemos que todos merecen respeto.