
American Sign Language Resources

Assistive Technology


Children with disabilities (general)

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Reading and Literacy

Speech-Language Therapy

Support for Parents

Behavior webinar for parents
Webinar for parents about children’s challenging behavior in the home

Communication webinar for parents
Webinar for parents about improving communication with your child

Mindfulness sessions
Online guided meditation sessions

Online and phone support from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Online chat groups for parents of children and teens (Asperger/Autism Network)

Parent Leadership in Autism Network (PLAN)

Understood Community

Resources for Adults with Disabilities

Employability Skills: All Eight Skills (Adults)
Video for practicing basic job skills while at home

Healthcare worksheet about needs and communication strategies (Adults)
Worksheet you can fill out before visiting your doctor

How a Dismissive Wave Impacted a Woman who is Deaf (Adults)

Learning about the healthcare and communication needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (Adults)