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Perspectives For Parents:
Advice & Support from Parents & Caregivers
Polymicrogyria Success Stories: Meet Rob and Schuyler | Navigating Developmental Disabilities
May 5, 2023
Schuyler and her father worked together to advocate for her independence. Together, they are a Polymicrogyria success story.
Read moreAutism and Social Interaction: Meet Johnny and Jonathan | Mastering Independence for Young Adults with Disabilities
May 3, 2023
Transitioning into adulthood can be a daunting experience, especially for those with disabilities related to autism and social interaction. Jonathan’s (who is autistic) parents took advantage of his father’s role at a local community college and enrolled their son as a part-time student to continue their journey to prepare him for life after high school.…
Read moreMeet Tanja and Andy: Preparing your child for the real world
May 2, 2023
Tanja and Andy made sure they were ready for the challenges of independence and autism.
Read more“There’s no magic amount of knowledge”: A conversation with a neurodivergent mom raising an Autistic child
April 5, 2023
“There’s no magic amount of knowledge.” Listen along as I have a conversation with a neurodivergent mom raising an Autistic son.Interview by Christina Kozik with Nell Curran, Ph. D.
Read moreBody doubling and other parenting tips for neurodivergent adults.
March 15, 2023
As a neurodivergent parent, how can I teach my neurodivergent child skills that they’ll need? Listen along for some parenting tips that may help you and them.
Read more“Don’t give up hope.” A parent’s story of raising a child with disabilities.
February 23, 2023
“There’s some really, really hard days. Just don’t give up hope.” Listen along to hear one parent’s story and the lessons she learned along the way.
Read moreWhat is the IDEA act?… and other Special Education mysteries decoded.
February 8, 2023
Do you know your rights under IDEA? It’s the law that requires schools to provide special education services. Listen along to learn more.
Read moreWhat kinds of programs can support my child as they become an adult?
January 26, 2023
It can be scary when your student with a disability transitions to adult life. But there are programs and resources to support them. Learn more.
Read more“Calmness feels nice;” An interview about how tapping helped one mama’s anxious child.
January 4, 2023
Processing emotions takes time, patience, focus, practice, and follow-through. It’s easy for anxious kids to get overloaded. In this podcast interview, Exceptional Lives Team Member, Carey Luckey, talks about how tapping helps her son.
Read moreNew Year, Same Me
December 22, 2022
Setting New Year's resolutions that you don't follow through with can leave you feeling defeated. Instead, focus on how amazing you are this year and share that with those around you! We’ll be taking a short break from the podcast to celebrate the holidays with our families but we’ll be back in your feed the…
Read moreWelcoming families of children with disabilities at the holidays
December 18, 2022
Holiday gatherings can be stressful. If you’re welcoming a family with kids with disabilities, here are six things you can do to make sure they feel welcome. Narrated by Christina Kozik; Written by Julie McIsaac
Read moreA letter from Anne Punzak Marcus, Co-Founder and CEO of Exceptional Lives
December 14, 2022
2022 marked a return to normal for many, but families of children with disabilities still face obstacles. Exceptional Lives is here for you.
Read moreOne Quick Question: How can the school help if my child is having trouble reading?
December 7, 2022
If your child is having trouble reading, their school can help. Watch this video to see how.
Read more5 things to do if your autistic child needs an ambulance
December 7, 2022
If you are parenting an autistic child, you know that accidents and ambulances can be particularly overwhelming. Here’s what one mom did to make things easier on her child during an emergency. Narrated by Christina Kozik; Written by Nell Curran
Read morePrepare your child for the workforce with job skills training for young adults with disabilities.
November 30, 2022
What job skills do employers look for? Prepare your child for the workforce with job skills training for young adults with disabilities.
Read moreIEP, advocacy, and GO! How one mom got her child with a disability off to a great start in school.
November 16, 2022
At the age of 3, Corinth, who has Spina Bifida, was ready to start school. Read about Corinth and his mom’s journey from diagnosis to school.
Read moreBuilding a village of support: 3 ways to help children with disabilities live their best lives
November 9, 2022
Building a village of support for our children with disabilities can help them live their best lives. Listen to our podcast, this week, for 3 steps to make that happen. Narrated by Christina Kozik; Written by Marisa Howard-Karp
Read moreWhy my one vote has the power to help children with disabilities
November 3, 2022
Voting Issues for Parents & Guardians of Children with Disabilities Can be Different Than Others. Here is What Voting Looks Like For Us.
Read moreBetter parenting using self-regulation
October 27, 2022
If you’re parenting a child with a disability, you’ve probably seen the term self-regulation. In this week’s podcast, learn what self-regulation is and how improving your ability to self-regulate can help you be a better parent. Narrated by Christina Kozik; Written by Julie McIsaac
Read moreWhy vote? How to vote? How to vote safely?
October 26, 2022
Your vote can help protect programs that support family members with disabilities. Learn some tips to vote safely and make sure it counts.
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